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Roasted Banana Porridge

Give this a try for a new spin on breakfast. It's delicious topped with nuts, fruit and milk of choice. Banana's are naturally sweet, so no additional sweetener is needed. You might be surprised to find that this has a different texture than the expected warm mashed banana. Roasting the banana will making it perfectly porridge-like.

Roasted Banana Porridge

  • Bananas

  • Desired toppings: fruit, nuts, nut butter, granola, cacao nibs, coconut flakes etc.

  • Milk of choice; yogurt, or thick kefir

1. Heat oven to 425.

2. Place whole, unpeeled bananas in a glass baking dish.

3. Roast until the peels darken and split open; about 20-40 minutes.

4. Use a spoon to scrape the banana out of the peel and into a bowl. Hold the stem end and split the skin open all the way with a spoon, then it will easily slide out of the peel. If needed, mash the banana up a just a bit.

5. Top with desired toppings and milk.


The roasting time will vary, depending on how ripe your banana is.

Top it with nuts, or a healthy granola like this Quinoa Breakfast Crunch, this Quick Granola, or this All Nut Granola.


Use organic ingredients.

Top with raw milk from grass-fed animals.

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